Abrasive Wheel Regulations and your Safety Statement

The  General Application Regulations are in force force. One of the things covered by this legislation is Abrasive Wheels. While it has been the Law for several years now that employees must be trained in the correct use of an abrasive wheel, a significant other duty for employers is that once the training is complete, the employee must be authorised in writing to use the specific abrasive wheel that is in their workplace.

In addition to this, the authorisation must be added to the company safety statement. In order to help our clients comply with this duty, we have devised a simple authorisation sheet that can be downloaded at the end of this paragraph. The sheet is self explanatory and can be either typed into and then signed or completed by hand. One important point to remember here is that if an Angle Grinder or other item containing an abrasive wheel in the workplace is changed, make sure to update the authorisation sheet.

Click here to download the Sample Abrasive Wheel Authorisation and briefing record

Of course any of our safety statement templates currently up on the website for download that need this authorisation, have had it included in the appendix. If you bought a Safety Statement Template prior to the 1st of July just download the sheet and add it to your new Safety Statement.