Whiskey and Beer!

OK, bit of an obtuse title for this one but maybe it caught your attention? Many of you may have noticed how popular Craft Beers are at the moment and also that small distilleries are also on the rise. At safety-statements.ie we are never ones to be left behind, so we recently added two new […]

New Template for PVC Soffits, Fascias and Gutters

Hi All, Busy week again in the office. We’ve just uploaded a new template Safety Statement for fitting Gutters, Soffits and Fascias. This new template also covers some basic Roof Work. The roof work section alludes to the Code of Practice for Roofwork as published by the HSA. The code itself can be downloaded from […]

Summer’s Over! New Safety Statement Templates online

Welcome back everyone! Well Summer is well and truly over now and its back to the grind here in the Safety Statement Template offices. We have been busy though. Over the last few weeks we have uploaded new Safety Statement Templates for Aerial and Satellite Dish fitting, Stud Farms and short term rental of Mobile […]

It’s Debs Party Time!

Well, this is the time of the year when the Debs Party Planners are out in force. If you happen to be an organisation involved in the the planning or organising of a Debs Party or Event, then our latest Safety Statement Template is just the thing for you. Based upon our popular Event Management […]

Our Safety Statement Template for Sprinkler Installers!

Hi everyone, just uploaded today is our latest addition, the Sprinkler Installation Safety Statement Template. As with many of our templates, this was developed by special request from a client. It has a lot of the standard information such as First Aid, Bullying, Fire Safety, Manual Handling and so but it also has specific risk […]

New Secondary School Safety Statement Template

Just uploaded to the site today is a Safety Statement Template suitable for the majority of Secondary Schools. This is a very comprehensive document that contains policies on Accident Reporting, Childhood illnesses, Medicines Administration, Bullying of Staff, EAP and many more school specific topics. There are also risk assessments on Caretaker activities, Art, Science, PE, […]

Woodcarving and Health Food!

Well, it seems the good weather must have the inspectors out in the fresh air! Just this week we got requests for new Safety Statement Templates for Wood Carving and Health Food Shops. Not from the same client I hasten to add. The inspectors called to a Health Food and Eco Store and as well […]

Smoothies, Vending Machines and Broadband!

Wow! its been a busy couple of weeks here with the Safety Statement Templates. We’ve had a few requests for new Safety Statements and some requests for additions to existing templates. Well for anybody out there who is thinking of opening a Smoothie Bar then check out the Preview for our new template here Smoothie […]