Woodcarving and Health Food!

Well, it seems the good weather must have the inspectors out in the fresh air! Just this week we got requests for new Safety Statement Templates for Wood Carving and Health Food Shops. Not from the same client I hasten to add. The inspectors called to a Health Food and Eco Store and as well as checking up on the usual items were very interested in the process of decanting and refilling of the “Eco Detergents” and other similar products. They actually gave the shop an improvement notice in this area and specifically requested that the decanting be covered within the Safety Statement. As any regular readers of our Blog will know, this is exactly the type of thing we are here for. We compiled the new template for the client making sure to cover everything that was in the Improvement Notice. Click here to Preview the Healthfood and Eco Store – Safety Statement . When it came to the Woodcarving Safety Statement Template it was a client who needed it for one of their own customers. In this case they were shaping and installing a very large piece on their customer premises and would be using Chainsaws and Scaffold to achieve this. A very tricky operation. For this Safety Statement we made sure to cover Chainsaws, Scaffolds, Working at height, Woodcarving Gouges/Chisels, Fire Safety and many other topics. We also had to allow for the fact that it is essentially an art form and there needs to be some flexibility in this area. We therefore made sure to include a Template Method Statement that could be used each day to address the particular hazards present. Click here to Preview the Woodcarving – Safety Statement . As we always say and as can be seen above, if the template you need is not on our list, just drop us a line 🙂